Submit a Game!

Some basic info that helps me add a game faster:

  1. Name of game (of course! ;-)
  2. Known version
  3. Number of players supported
  4. Types of networking supported (Appletalk, MacIPX, TCP/IP, etc.)
  5. System requirements (very general here: requires CD-ROM? PowerMac?)
  6. Any relevent URLs (i.e. company homepage, a demo, updater, etc).

I usually pull the game description from the company web site, so I can do this part.

The most helpful is if you can send me an icon for the game (since I can't buy them all ;-). I use IconToGIF, which is a tiny download, and easy to use (just drag the the application icon onto IconToGIF and email me the resulting file!).   Download IconTOGIF 1.0.3 (108k).

Thanks for your help! Email me at

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